economyToday our world is an economy in shatters, educated on low paid pulp jobs, military clatter, perpetual growing national debts, mass unemployment, constant public cuts. Nothing has really changed since the crisis started in 2008.  
Internet films and sources claiming destruction of wealth is deliberately created are plentiful.

Is it deliberately constructed?

We shall break down this quest
by explaining how our classic socio-economy is organised.

This is not US or Europe alone. It’s a ‘contract’ agreed upon by the entire West since 1945.
Political parties are irrelevant. As a matter of fact, they form communicating barrels.

Basic capital socio-economics

All existing authorities and bodies in our western society do value wealth financially, so;

Value  =  Money  =  Wealth

Wealth is to growth by perpetual expansion of international business (World Trade Organisation).

It’s what classic free market capital economics is based upon. It’s pounded on us since school, college, university and by the media. And the dollar-euro is based on public moneydebt and the petrodollar.

What people not understand is that new money can never come into estistence without debt and without inflating it exponetial. It’s how the western capital banking scheme has been financially engineered since the FED exists and it goes for all western based currencies, especially the US dollar and Euro.
This article will explain it further down as current situation.
Money also has no backing whatsoever. Gold backing ended in 1971 by the Nixon term, so;

Money  =  by definition exponential cumulating public debt without backing  =  ‘Air’


Growing wealth  =  growing airvalue  =  exponential more cumulating public moneydebt

usgs_chart4p0117fredgraphStable public moneydebt  =  imploding airvalue = imploding wealth

No moneydebt  =  no value or money in existence  =  no wealth

Since 2002 an extra exponent applied has been added: the uncontrolled pestilent swap market.

Growing airvalue  =  exponential cumulating public moneydebt x 100-exponent

So if the big air balloon of value deflates, capital socio-economics falls over the cliff extreme fast.

Can the above be balanced? Actually, it can’t.
Perpetual growth is a must for western capital socio-economics. Otherwise, we would all become financially poor and bankrupt quick, 
leaving moneydebts no one can ever pay back.

A falling paradigm above is a monster ‘cliff’ and back to medieval times.

Moneydebt  =  perpetual infinite monster profits for banks from nothing.
As from that nothing they receive interest over ever-inflating public debt x 100, and from premiums
received for the swapped securities over nothing. And this is basically Capital Fraud.

The devious out of control swap market

Swaps are the root cause of the total economic collapse in 2008.

Basically with relatively very little own money unlimited value can be created from nothing and backed by nothing. This is a pyramid scheme, hence fraudulent. Swaps are an ‘invention’ of JP Morgan. By adopting this financial instrument into western banking practice and regulations by the WTO and BIS, it became a quick growing common practice since 2000.

Here is how it works:

As Investment bank, from relative very little own money you reserve 15 million (set apart).
Go to an AAA-rated Insurance bank (AIG, Credit Suisse) and promise them 0.5% income quarterly.
In return (as Swap) they’ll secure your 15 million for a value of 1.47 billion, and so they deposit that
1.47 on your account
in tranches (not all at once since they don’t have it cash).
To live up to your promise, you buy government bonds on the electronic auction worth 1.47 billion.
Governments pay you the (let’s say) 4.5% dividend (coupon-interest) over the 1.47 billion loan annually.
As the Swap agreed upon, from that received, you pay your little 0.5% security premium to AIG.

But investment banks actually don’t need to find an insurance bank, as they all have one themselves.
Big player investement bank Pimco derived from Insurer Allianz as quick example, or Goldman Sachs has GSAM, Goldman Sachs Insurance Asset Management. Basically all banks can play and cover both sides of the game rather quick and simple.

So, all banks filthy rich from air/nothing, government in debt for real. It is pure Capital Fraud.

Since this is complex, the public is told: “the government prints money”. But it doesn’t print anything.
It cumulates national debt to get electronic money in return in tranches based on the banking swap pyramid / fraud above.

You can’t do this, and i can’t. This is possible only with a bank charter at least AA-rated with clients able to push millions around. Basically it’s free money for the über-rich.
And interest is money that doesn’t exist as it was not principally created in the first place. Still it has to be paid. How? Taxes, public cuts and by increased debt; so more taxes, public cuts…

It explains empty new office buildings, mega projects making no sense. It explains ever-growing national public debt. It also explains massive military expenditures. Because should capital socio-economics fail then there is always a new enemy to focus on, and war trade guarantees banking business as a last resort. Therefore, economic distress has always been the prologue of big wars without any exception.

Current situation since 2002-2008

Direct finance of western governments by the FED, ECB or national central banks is either obstructed
or prohibited. 
Creating money for governments by the FED, ECB or by national banks is respectively obstructed and prohibited as well. The little minting and printing paper notes they actually do, makes about 2% of all money in roulation only. This doesn’t add to the economy. 98% Is electronic which does the actual work. And also governments are prohibited to create money themselves directly.

The only route left for any government to get money is by auctioning their goverments bonds and notes to investments banks at Wallstreet, London, Frankfurt, Paris; interest rates depend on rating agencies. The US government in particular found an escape by selling their bonds to China by the masses, as a swap for Chinese products to be exported to the US.
In a nutshell: financing western governments is the exclusive right of commercial banks (and to China in case of the US).

Do forget that money is backed by gold reserves; perhaps the 2% is, but for the rest it ended since 1971 when Nixon announced to postpone dollars redeemable for gold by addressing the nation on Tv. The pause never ended and the gold standard has been abolished.
European countries aksing their gold back from the FED have had refusing replies since 1953.
Angela Merkel’s request in 2013 including an audit has been dissaproved several times and Germany didn’t get back a single bar.
Since 1953 the FED refuses audits and does not return gold on request. What is plausible to think? That the FED sold the gold already a long time ago. Could it just not be a security measure? It could be, but no government official may enter the vaults, not even the president, any prime minister or chancellor. Does it make sense? Of course not.
What makes sense is that the FED has stolen all gold already a long time ago.

Some countries are geographically lucky so they can make money by oil, gas and minerals… as long as it is in state hands. If not, they depend on taxes from the private mining companies… but by setting them up multinational they avoid it (called offshoring).
Those earth-rich countries were conquered by the West, except Russia and China. About 55 years ago half the world was still in the hands of Britain, France and Netherlands parasitise those continents for own benefit and imposing their corrupt moralities and fraudulent ways, including the Middle-East. Natives were kept poor. Spain gave up South- and Mid-America already a longer time ago.
But in the end, the West left unnatural dividing borders leaving different Peoples and industrial government manipulation for keeping access to earth’s resources.
The US makes a difference as well as they were never conquered since the industrial revolution. Some European countries are just geographically lucky like Germany, Sweden and Norway. However, the US must defend the petrodollar at all cost to not let the entire western classic capital socio-economy collapse.

Side note:
I’m not pro-left, mid or pro-right. As long as we live in this classic capital socio-economics, they all make no difference. But must the rather extreme free market capital doctrine be the only way? That has become a private shadow dictatorship, as explained further.

In Europe it is prohibited for the ECB or national central banks to finance governments directly since Dec. 2007 (Lisbon treaty). It basically parasites countries with less earth resources. In the US the FED obstructs it by unprecedented ultra-low interest rates since 2002 after 9/11. This is also the point in time where the swap market accelerated big time and ran completely out of hand, as you can see the graph above of the ‘Credit Default Swaps’.

Okay, but the insurance banks do have own money to cover right?
No they don’t. The international banking Basel-accords also permits them to have little own capital as well (2-7%). They are covered by hedge funds and private equities. If all fails, governments will have to sell their public assets fast under pressure of the IMF to hedge funds and private equities. That means dirt cheap since it’s under pressure of time. Hedge funds and private equities know this in advance all too well since it’s likely to happen some day, and they don’t need any rating whatsoever. Hedge funds and private equities therefore are the true parasites of finance.

Power lobbies in international governments prevent regulation and alternative finance routes very aggressive. They accomplish interbanking accords and interbanking regulations make it to actual law like EU directive CRD-IV which is basically a full copy of the interbanking Basel-accords. In the US and EU, lobbies actually do write the legislation to be prepared for the congressmen. You don’t believe this? Then do research how lobbies and political agancies actually work and where their offices are located. Basically they don’t hang their company name outside on the streets, but they are there in New York around Wallstreet, Washington, Brussels and around any national governmental house.

Both the ECB and FED however buy governments bonds and notes from the second-hand market, so that the US and EU countries can auction off more to the commercial banks to get money… at interest, increasing debt, so banks scooping up interest and premiums perpetually. Buyers of government bonds and notes (investment banks) are covered by very little own capital on their balance sheets (made possible by the Basel-accords). About 95-98% on their balance sheets is loaned. With that debt as backing they create more loans by using swap technique.
Debt is mainly real estate and government loans (auctioned off governments bonds).

So with existing debt new public debt is created permanent. Banks scoop up money based on nothing, the public bleeds constant by ever-increasing debt and interest.

This on a swap based money system crashed in 2008 and has never been changed.

And all it took was one major event to bring down the house of cards. The failure of Fannie and Freddie tipped the first domino, AIG and a chain reaction followed. The Obama administration and Congress has actually enforced a control system with the SEC. The Dodd–Frank Wallstreet Reform and Consumer Protection Act was signed into federal law by Obama on July 21, 2010. Wallstreet simply changed the name into ‘Swap Future’ to go around all controls and so nothing has changed today Sep. 2013. Free market creativity at its highest.

Regulating the overly-complex ‘swamp’ monster however is impossible. What should have been done is limiting new creation and volume, and restrict the use in steps. This however does not serve the construction of wealth by growth and profiteering, so will never be done in both the US and EU.

National debts can only grow exponential simply because it’s how the entire money and value system is constructed. No western government has alternate financing routes without debt and without depending fully on the commercial banks, thus rating angencies (rating decides the height of interest to be paid).

No lessons are learned whatsoever.


Survive-A-Down-Economy1The western economy is crippled permanent since it is based on a pyramid scheme, hence fraud.

The US shows some progress as it has extended the national debt exponential as per usual historic trend. Each presidential term adds debt unproportional more than the former with few exceptions. It’s de trend since de FED came into existence. It’s the way it is setup. 

The game has been perpetual:
Right ease monetary regulations and make debt cheap, created by their contacts at banks. Public falls for it and the government needs it. Owning a house was promoted by dirt cheap loans promoted by governments, backed by their banking contacts. Left need vast amounts of spending so they spiral up more debt, meanwhile bring back some monetary controls using their same contacts. Right ease or obstruct regulations again, and spiral up more debt by cheap ‘smart’ financial products using  their networks again. Left… repeat; bring back some controls and influence, then spiral up debt. And so the national curve of debt is guaranteed. Right… repeat… Because it is all one big happy money and power family. Parties are a farce.

Is there a way out via classic politics?
No, money creation is in the exclusive hands of private commercial banks based on swap technique. Left, mid, right, they all need money. And alternative ‘taps’ have been ‘welded’ tight by corruption.
The only way out it to force a system change hard by us as public.

An exponential trend curve by definition has a point where it accelerates up all of the sudden; this point was reached in 1980. It’s called the ‘hockey stick’ and was expected to happen decades ago, but political terms and tangled interests only think short-term perpetually (see US public debt curve above).

History shows that money systems only change after a big war. The last change was after Vietnam, but it only was made much worse by ending the gold standard. Syria and Iran are the few countries left not participating in the western financial ‘contract’. Russia is turning away from it since 2010 and China has always been totally independent. The West never succeeded to set up a western based central bank in these countries. This actually works against the western capital socio-economic definition of wealth. 

Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway do very well, how come.
Governments there have always protected themselves against the western ‘transatlantic’ doctrine. The Canadian dollar is linked to the US-dollar but not too tangled. The swap market has little grip on Canada. Sweden, Denmark, Norway never adopted the euro. Although Sweden and Denmark signed the treaty they are postponing the euro permanent. Denmark has demanded exceptions in treaties. And… Canada, Sweden, Norway, they have oil, gas and minerals to sell to the rest of the world.

Corruption, highly tangled interests

round_table05_01Almost all western dominant top men meet in transatlantic top networks; governmental, media, magazines, papers, finance, consultancies, manufacturers, oil companies, and scientists are interconnected tangled deep in numerous institutions like:

Trilateral commission, Bilderberg conference, Club of Rome, UN, Nato, IMF, WTO, WHO, Worldbank, BIS, ECB, FED, IMF, world leading banks, world charities, IPCC, Royal houses of UK-Netherlands and main stream multinationals, media and papers (almost all investor-owners in the axes UK-US-Netherlands-Belium-France-Germany can be counted on two hands).

Do check all track records, connections and biographies and you’ll notice it’s the case.

Alumni men do pledge loyalty amongst each other above God, country and political parties.
They pledge to always help each other above anything else. It’s how student alumni corps works.

Their ‘signature’ has always fitted somewhere in a mix of a certain back ground (both or either):

Political ‘pacts’ per nation:

UK ——————– Conservatives-Labour
US ——————– Democrats-Republicans-Libertarian
Germany ———— CDU/CSU-FDP
Netherlands ——– CDA-CU-VVD-D66-PvdA
Belgium ————- CD&V-VLD
France ————— UMP-SP

Some simple quick examples:

Kerry (democrat) and Bush (republican) use similar language, morality and rhetoric.
Reason: both are active skull and bones alumni from Yale.
In 2004 the rally for presidency was an embarrassment; both didn’t make the debates difficult.
Pure ‘Disney’ Tv it was. 
It wouldn’t have made a difference who won actually.

Top 4-5 financiers:
Romney: directly by Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America.

Obama:   indirectly by The Economist, JP Morgan via Google, Harvard, and University of California (UC).
___-_-___Sponsor Bill gates has his own investment-LLC.

Lynn Forrester de Rothschild owns The Economist group, a Rothschild…
Mark Yudo, President of UC from 16 June 2008 – 6 Sep. 2013. A jewish professor mainly financed by David Geffen, yet another jewish millionaire, business man and owner of Dreamworks with Steven Spielberg as director. Geffen’s banker is JP Morgan. Geffen raised 1,3 million for Obama’s campaign;
it flowed via 100 million donations to UC. 

Harvard’s finance and investments run via the notrious corrupt and crooked Bank of America.

Romney-Netanyahu are close friends. They both worked at the Boston Consultancy Group which is also known to be a cover-up for intelligence, and is very strong force in positioning politicised top men from the world of business like McKinsey, KPMG, Ernst & Young, Deloitte and consultancies like these. The client list includes the Russian Ministery of Energy, Ford, US Agency for International Development, IBM, Pfizer, Tata Group, EU Phare Program.

American Secretaries of finance are always feared men from private Wallstreet; Paulson ex-VP Goldman Sachs, Geithner ex-president of the FED NY and JP Morgan, Jack Lew ex-COO of Citigroup… Further back in history shows similar patterns.
Axes countries UK-US-Netherlands-Belium-France-Germany… same ‘story’.

The IMF is filled with former compliant-preserving-jewish-christian-right-capital secretaries of finance, central bankers, members of the Trilateral commission, financial auditors of media companies, big investors, et cetera. These super influential job hops are like a revolving door from one to another setting everything in place for private interest.

President of the ECB is Mario Draghi, ex-VP Goldman Sachs.

Especially Deutsche Bank is super dominant in Continental Europe. Former German-Dutch politicians and ambassadors there are top non-executives in the board. They also deliver board members to Shell like Josef Ackermann. 
DB was a main contributor of WWII by the US-educated Rothschild family which was the reason it was split up into pieces afterwards. After 1980 and deregulation by neoliberalism the parts fused again into the conglomerate it has become again. With Goldman Sachs they covered up the Greek national debt by using swap technique.

Shell delivers many leading politicians, have non-executives from Deutsche Bank in the board, etc.
Same story with BP. Same story with most big influential internationals.

Cameron is a direct descent from King Willem IV of England… An imperialist pur sang.

These are quick examples not even touching the tip of the iceberg… the list of tangled power is long.

Details: The Elite the Puppets and the Muppets (Dutch).

Dollar as western reserve coin and petrodollar

In 1944 (Bretton Woods system) the US and Europe agreed the US dollar being the western reserve coin with more fixed exchange rates.
Commodities (oil, gas, gold, silver) are priced and traded international by US dollars, called ‘Petrodollar’.
Henry Kissinger and Saudi-Arabia have constructed this after Nixon ended the gold standard in 1971.

Kissinger did this as the cold war and the war in Vietnam had spiraled up US debt to a point enough gold wasn’t left to pay for. Many European countries demanded their gold back. The FED refused.
The petrodollar became the exclusive world base currency backed by world trade of oil and gas.

It explains cheap petrol prices in the US (in Europe equivalency of a gallon can easily be 5.00 US dollar), but most vital is that the value of the US dollar highly depends on the trade of commodities.
The West will do everything in its 
power to keep that key economic system going as the entire western capital socio-economy will literally fall from its cliff otherwise.

Energy, minerals and demise of the Petrodollar 

1l-imageThe Middle-East has the world’s biggest energy resources. Competing transport to Europe, Russia, China, Pakistan and India is evident. Oil and gas are transported by pipes and Suez canal, to China via Russia, and to Pakistan and India by proposed lines via Afghanistan. European gas depends majorly on Gazprom, Russia. It has threatened reduced delivery at higher prices earlier.
Gas for China is delivered by and through Russia exclusive as well. Russia holds a gas-monopoly. Hence, Europe needs access to the Persian Gulf, the 3rd biggest gas pocket, the South Pars / North Dome field. Qatar
(pro-west) has proposed that particular line,

Arab Gas Pipeline Egypt-Jordan-Syria-Turkey is strategic for Gazprom. Assad has proposed the line Syria-Irak-Iran to the same field connecting it; a slap in Qatar’s face.

French foreign minister Dumas alleged the British began operations in Syria anyway, although Assad refused to sign agreements with France and Britain in 2009 to protect Russia, and Syria (like Iran and Afghanistan) isn’t a WTO member. Qatar has established a commanding position as the world’s leading gas exporter for its South Pars / North Dome field and wants to sell to Europe.

Minerals, oil and gas needed for the West are located around Syria. Great mineral fields are in Israel. The west can’t be successful without those: copper, phosphate, bromide, potassium, clay, silicium, sulfur, asphalt, manganese, and natural gas. Without western access, no computers and basic first needs like electricity, energy, soil furtilizer (high concentrated efficient food production), et cetera.

After the First Zionist convention in Basel 1897, jewish settlements grew to current Israel like dots all over the place (British soil between 15 May 1948 and WWI, and Ottoman Empire’s soil before that). They kept expanding by clever (but basically illegal) land acquisition schemes, connecting and new ones arose. The first big land acquisition amongst smaller jewish settlements in that region before WWII was made by Rothschild’s investment imperium.
He was the leading financier of the Zionist movement and his family and networks like his own brother,  Morgan and Rockefeller had seats in western politics, in the League of Nations and later the UN. He simply needed access to those earth resources for business.

The holocaust was horrific but also a perfect moment to claim mandatory jewish homeland by the Zionist agenda. Arab Palestinians have lived there for centuries but were pushed out fast and by aggression. A Civil war began November 1947 – May 1948. May 15 was the date the British mandate of Palestine ended and the Jewish Agency proclaimed the State of Israel a day earlier. The UN accepts it immediately.

isn’t to be confused with a religion. It’s a form of nationalism organising a jewish state opposing assimilation with other societies. It is in essence racist and with the agenda to grab as much land as possible to achieve the goal as quickly as possible at all cost and within all means at hand, no matter what. And top jewish international politicised business instincts have dominated the form becoming an extreme right capital socio-economy to make it happen. Nearly all politcal parties in Israel carry the term ‘Zionist’. Netanyahu has confirmed last year Israel is just a jewish right economy. Orthodox jews showed dissapointment by damaging the holocaust memorial in 2012: “Is this our promised land?”. It does collide with their view and it does collide with islamic morality. Especially jewish tradition opposes islam and expressly American based Zionist lobby AIPAC is very dominant.
It claims jewish prosecution by islam over millennia. Most interesting is that islam came into existence in the 7th century. It was Roman Popes condemning jews forbidding them to join guilds, limit them and withhold them from public jobs and tasks keeping them in ghettos in Rome under most humiliating conditions. Since trade was left for the jewish Roman society, they specialised profoundly in the business of gold, diamonds, money changing, trade and investment capitalisation.

Israel became a quick aggressive expanding nation of (illegal) settlements armed quick and modern from Europe, US and Russia; big business. At the dismay of Arabs since they were driven out by terror with no room for opposition, and without any rights. Many strong opposing groups began to form as anti-western reaction; PLO, Hezbollah, Hamas, Jihad and more. 

TURKISH_PIPELINE_PROJECTSjgflaToday, private companies (mixed with politics) are building competing energy lines through Syria, Iran, Iraq and also Afghanistan, and the competing line Qatar-SaudiArabia-Jordan-Syria-Turkey-Europe. In 2011 ex-queen Beatrix has lobbied the latter in Qatar since the royal family had shares of Shell. Dated 11-09-13, the area of the line under construction in Syria is in rebel hands by western support.
A coicidence? Not plausible as it breaks Russian Gazprom’s monopoly.
All western weapon trade may go via Qatar and Saudi Arabia, since Qatar has been granted the FIFA World Football in 2022.

A coincidence as well? Of course not. Big sport events have always followed western self-interest capital and politics. Western companies may construct and build all infrastructure leaving no relevance later while the weapon transit is open. Usually the local deal is they are exempt from taxes. Do the locals benefit from this on the long-term? Absolutely not, it’s pure western parasiting and draining.
Al Jazeera is based in Qatar. It copies CNN as it sees it as its competitor. It shows western perception (so western propaganda).

Afghanistan is a story on its own.

It was a pro-poor, pro-farmer (socialistic) society. The USSR backed and supported development.
In 1978, President Daud Khan began to build a massive military after India’s nuclear test, to counter Pakistan’s armed forces and Iranian military influence in Afghanistan’s politics.
A final pre-war treaty of Dec. 1978 allowed the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) to call upon the USSR for military support. During its first 18 months of rule, the PDPA applied a Soviet-style program of modernizing reforms, many of which were viewed by conservatives as opposing islam.
Decrees setting forth changes in marriage customs and land reform were not received well by a population deeply immersed in tradition and islam, particularly by the powerful land owners who were harmed economically by the abolition of usury (though usury is prohibited in islam) and the cancellation of farmers’ debts. By mid-1978 rebellion started attacking the local military garrison in the Nuristan region of eastern Afghanistan. Soon civil war spread throughout the country. 

In Sep. 1979, Deputy Prime Minister Hafizullah Amin seized power after a palace shootout that resulted in the death of President Taraki. Over two months of instability overwhelmed Amin’s regime as he moved against his opponents in the PDPA and the growing rebellion.
And Russia intervened.
After the Soviet invasion, the mujahideen was formed as a resistance to drive out Russia. Al Qaeda became a branch during this Afghan war (1979-1989). The US supported them financially via the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), the security service of Pakistan. The program of the CIA was called ‘Operation Cyclone’.

But the branch became extreme anti-western, specially anti-American. islam is very social and socialistic by nature like sharing and 0%-interest loans. Profiteering, usury, bribery, abundance, and getting very rich over other people is seen as deep evil. But most of all, the Taliban (supported by Al Qaeda, thus CIA) had expected some power in government, but were left empty handed. 
Western capital socio-economics however is based on dual values with the idea that basically all is for sale, so it collides fundamentally. And, Afghanistan has always been opium exporter number one of the world (farmers), so western pharmaceutical and chemical companies depend on it like Bayer, Leo, Procter and Gamble, Novartis, Pfizer, et cetera.

Attacking the Twin towers is most horrific, but here is a story from another angle:
Americans relate the towers to freedom. Nice, but they actually stood as a result of extreme corruption. Investor was David Rockefeller. This family business imperium has always been heavy involved in taking political offices for their benefit of business and super profits. It even delivered the petrol additive for the Nazi regime and Zyklon B for the gas chambers. Rockefeller made a deal in 1966; an agreement made between involved parties, the two governors, the mayor of New York, the New York City Council, the construction company and the Hudon Port Authority. Shortly there after in 1966 construction began. The deal was that Rockefeller was exempt from Harbour taxes. The rest became a big show for the public as the towers were constantly pitched as icons of the free West.
First exhibited in 1939 at the Worlds Fair in New York the idea of the World Trade Center towers was presented with the concept of “World peace through trade” which is the western socio-economic agenda, proven to be false over and over by corruption in the über top resulting in bubbles, crises, the petrodollar, a crooked money system, media and war industry needed to keep it all going. It’s what this article is about after all… Conservative islam opposes it hard, and western politicised business is known to play both sides to keep the western doctrine going. 

4qV2lOil and gas lines are proposed through Afghanistan connecting Pakistan and India; the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline developed by the heavy criticized Asian Development Bank (ADB), to be completed in 2017.

As Russia refused using their pipes after it withdrew from the project (after the Taliban and Al Qaeda had withdrawn), and Afghanistan being nonmember of the WTO, an independent line is needed, financed by the ADB. In fact, it would be the first independent western line breaking Gazprom’s gasmonopoly. The first thing Nato did after invading Afghanistan? Secure the areas for western construction.

Now it get’s really interesting. Guess who is dominant member of the ADB: Mario Draghi, member of the BIS, Worldbank’s IBRD President of the ECB, Chairman of the G20′s Financial Stability Board (FSB) and ex-VP Goldman Sachs Europe.

Do people actually fight for all this?

Yes, like western media they see a political-business network, ‘puppets’ showing national propaganda but never true stories.

I call it ‘Disneyland’ media.

Secret services do organise turmoil by infiltration, dollars and social media, and they do so active. The CIA, MI5/6, Mossad and FSB (former KGB) have notoriously proven to do so. Without no doubt, national secret services do the same. Is it plausible for four Arab countries starting a public rebellion at near same time? In fact, it would be a precedent, very naive thinking afterwards. Statistical chances are nearly impossible as well. Gazprom’s monopoly protected by Assad and Qatar-Europe’s interest to break it, has been explained earlier, as well as the Petrodollar being the world’s reserve coin for the US.

And there is the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Not joining or cooperate, hence not joining or agree with the western free market capital socio-economic doctrine while having strategic earth’s resources or laying in a transit path) eventually results in destabalisation by western under cover forces to conquer that country to forward the strategic trade project for western private benefit. Bribery, demonisation, economic hit men, trade boycotts, hiring terrorists or rebels via secret services, anti-propaganda, nuclear program condemnation… And if that all hasn’t worked it is simply invaded by false flag.

Khadafi never joined the WTO and was on the verge establishing Libya’s own central bank backed by gold again, so making it an independent oil state. It was said he had left Libya into shatters and corruption, but the actual reason why the West intervened was purely driven by self-interest. To bring back the western based monetary system to protect oil trade for the West.

Syria and Iran are the only independent Middle-East countries left (non WTO members) Iran the only independent oil nation left. Britain and French interests in energy sources in the Middle-East are tremendous. The US less as it wants to be energy independent by 2020. However, the US will never give up the petrodollar since that’s a guarantee dollar flow by world trade always needed for the never-enough western capital socio-economic doctrine.

In 2003 Iraq wasn’t a WTO member either and started to trade oil by euros which plummeted the dollar to the euro by 20-25%. It’s the actual reason to invade Iraq (by false flag). There after a western central bank has been established, oil from Iraq is again traded by the dollar ever since and Iraq is pressed to enter the WTO in 2016.

China member of the WTO is too big for the West. Like Russia, it has shifted away from the Petrodollar buying commodities with their own currency since 2010, the Yuan. All BRICs countries (Brasil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have allied to accept the Yuan as reserve coin and exchange for trade. Japan has joined in June 2013. During the BRICs’ summit March 2013 it was agreed upon to form a joint bank to bypass the IMF and World Bank. China is the biggest producer of gold and is ‘building’ a stock to actually back the Yuan.

Since the dollars is backed by nothing, perpetual expansion of trade on the dollar is a must, so this is a big threat for the western world dollar based economy. Iran and Syria have allied with the BRICs in silence. China will need vast access to scares energy resources of the Middle-East on top of existing competition between the West, Russia and upcoming India. Europe, India, Russia and China have invested too little in energy independence. Solar panels and wind mills are run on immense government subsidies, so are fake developments. The shift to the Yuan as well fundamented alternative reserve coin and for direct exchange of trade will be unprecedented.

Military industry

As real estate has crashed, national and public debt has been spiraled out of control everywhere and the swap market remaining unchanged, the western economy has ‘landed’ hard on its face permanent for years. On top of that, room for rapid international economic expansion is demising.

And in the western wealth model, growth is a must otherwise the whole system collapses.

Politicians keep ‘shouting’ balance sheets of banks, national, debts, public debt and deficits need to be fixed. However, that distracts from the core system problem.

The core system problem is:  money  =  debt x 100 by the swap market  =  Value  = ‘Air’.
And no one talks about putting the swap market back into the box and changing this financial socio-economic ‘contract’.

War industry remains. That’s the highest pyramid of the money system. If all fails, that’s the only ‘rescue’ to make big profits needed for the transatlantic capital socio-economic doctrine. It’s the actual reason WWII started. The DAP was financed by German-American top 5 investment families, many of them secular right jewish (Zionists) helped by the NY Union bank where Prescott Bush also had a seat (also member of skull and bones).

Do you see a WWIII in all this? I do and i simply prophet it coming.
Preserving free market capital hardheaded thinking and self-interest obstructs the necessary changes for the better.
Or… perhaps… do so deliberately.

What to do… Resist from all fibres in your body

1.     Forget status. You can’t live from it and it’s nothing.

2.     Stop consuming (consumer strike). Don’t use more than needed. And the system will fall.

3.     Get off the energy grid if you can. Or use as little as possible. Go very far with this.
        There are numerous methods. Buy a solar lamp for a few euros or dollars. Place them outside
__-__to charge, and place them inside in the evening.
        Can you wash dishes and some clothes by hand? Then do so, or alternate.
        Perhaps you can collect rain water for certain use in the house.
        Turn down the main water tap by half.
        Outside lights: turn them off permanent even at Xmas. It’s pure nonsense basically.
        Air conditioning, consider it as a crime: the body will adept to heat within a few weeks. Off.
        Never leave anything on standby, turn it off.

4.     Food: consider that having and preparing an abundance makes no sense.
        Never buy and use more than needed. consider throwing away is just silly.

5.     Read the detailed manual of your heating and boiler systems if its relative new-modern.
        Has it automatic air venting and can the pump sustain idleness, then turn it off, when not needed.
____Turn it on when needed or run it at least once a week. Be careful with older systems !

6.     Don’t put more money on your bank account needed to pay bills.

7.     If renting is cheaper, then don’t buy a house. You need a roof and comfort not perpetual debt.

8.     Can a car be shared with more families? If so, why owning one, it’s silly.

9.     Can you use a bicycle for transport? Why not using it.

10.   If you have a mortgage, do early payments? Absolutely not, why should you.
        Rule 1 in finance: keep money as long as you can, pay as late as possible within conditions.
        Why not save that money at interest. Who knows what the world is later. And if you have to
        pay back your mortgage then you have saved for it yourself.
        And why should you give your money to the bank in advance anyway so they can play with it.

11.    Do not ever join any defence force. It’s nothing to be proud of as you are nothing but a number for
         the big play. They don’t really care about your concern. And basically it’s cadaver obedience.

12.    Spread the word so a critical mass becomes well-informed.

13.    Turn off your Tv.

         It’s ‘Disney news’ and commercials in the hands of a few. It’s ignorance, biased dumbing down.
         Get news from internet by real independent searchers.
         Read news forums. Do make certain they refer to unique sources and not copy-paste news feeds.
         Make sure there are no influences by any faith, political bias and commerce.
         Do you see some national logos and colours used? Then consider it biased.
         Research the owner of sites, all the way up to the highest holder.

         Do your own research. Google biographies of top names in politics, business and media.
         Cross-links evidently are common interests. It’s how it works… Quid pro quo; ‘this for that’;
         a way of exchange of personal services.

         2013 International press agencies are limited. Most is copy-pasted from their sources

         US ————————— Bloomberg, CNN, UPI, AP
         UK ————————— Reuters, BBC
_____Australia ——————– AAP
         Germany ——————- DPA, IPS
         France ———————- AFP
         Netherlands ————— ANP
         Belgium ——————— Belga
         Spain ———————— Agencia Internacional
         China ———————— Xinhua
         Russia ———————– Interfaks, ITAR-TASS

         2013 Concentrated owners of Tv media US, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France

_____Sanoma (Aatos Erkko) —-, SBS, Net5, Veronica Firm right.
_____GE (JP Morgan) ————- Comcast, NBCUniversal, —- Firm right.
_____________-______________CNBC, MSNBC,
_____ProSiebenSat.1 ————– ProSieben, kabel1, ———— Pro-right, simple leisure, copied news.
_____________________-______SAT.1, sixx, N24
_____Rupert Murdock ————– Fox, Sky, News Corp, ——– Pro-Libertarian.
_______________________-____Freeview, NGC
_____Bertelsmann (Mohn) ——– RTLGroup, M6, n-tv, ———– Pro-right preserving christian.
___________________-________Channel5 (Five,5)
_____Van Thillo, De Nolf ———- VTM, 2BE, JIM, Vitaya ——- Pro-right-christian.
____________________________________________________Van Thillo is ex-Bertelsmann.
_____Baron Michael Grade ——- iTV, Channel4, Freeview  —- Zionist, UK-conservative ex-politician.
_____Bouygues ——————— TF1———————————- Pro-right.
         Time Warner (Morgan) —- CNN, HBO, CW —– Firm pro-republican (links Bush family).
_____Sumner Redstone ———- CBS, MTV, CW —– Zionist, so extreme right.
         Walt Disney —————— ABC ——————– Zionist, extreme right.
_____Emir of Qatar —————– Al Jazeera ———— Pro-west, competition CNN, same news, right.
___________________________-_________________Nearly all ex-BCC employees.
         State (subsidised) ———– PBS, NPO, BBC, Channel4, Freeview, BR, ZDF, ARD, RBB, SWR,
_____________-_-____________ NDR, WDR, France2-3-4-5-Ô-24, RTBF, VRT, TV5Monde.

_____Firm right, pro-right and zionistic equals what brings highest profits, so easy flip flopping
__-__ as exploitation of broadcasting have always been their core business.
_____Balanced world news in the US hardly have existed as the society is free market capital based.
_____Europe had balanced left-mid-right media just before a decade ago. It’s pushed to mid-right by
_____heavy commerce, zionism, conservative mid-othodox right politics and business tycoons.

_____(MS)NBC had a debacle of being called ‘pro-white house’, but it’s just entertainment.
_____Aatos Erkko (Sanoma) located in Helsinki Finland was refused expansion to Russia by Putin.
_____Most all above media tycoons own a vast majority of the mainstream newspapers, magazines
_____and radio along with traditional ‘barons’ of the press. Simply too many to list them here.

         Conclusion: do not expect critical and independent news via old media, with few exceptions.

         Turn off all paying media plans.
         Want to see a movie? Download a torrent, convert that free to mpeg or DVD or a USB stick and
         plug that in. Read you Tv manual what formats it can read. Mpeg, Mp4, etc.

14.    Ignore existing authorities, doctrines, politics, business, churches, media, science…
_____they do not want
to alter anything. They prefer status quo otherwise it’s game over for them.

15.    Organise mass demonstrations.

YOU will have to force another way hard by not conform to it all.

If you are spiritual or prefer a faith, you can practice that at home. Why should a church, synagogue or mosque be needed. Dominant western ‘fathers’ have been connected to conservative right media and politics by tradition. That’s biased, so avoid them.
Look at Australia since 7 Sep. 2013 as recent example. The new prime minister wanted to be a priest. He too is conservative-right-capital. First thing he has announced are major cuts…
Has he announced any changes of the disfunctional socio-economic ‘format’? None at all.

Like the rest of the western world, Australian Tv is in the hands of just a few. Rupert Murdock dominates and about a quarter is in the hands of Fairfax. Both dominate the newspapers as well along with West Australian Newspapers and the Harris Group. All are collaborating as the AAP.
The new prime minister is pushing the right agenda forward hard as if nothing has been learned.

Look at Europe and America, all of those nation’s constitutions are based on religion, so how can governments and its media ever be secular? On paper they are yes, but that’s all just paperwork.

Worse…. all mess of the last decade has been created by a super dominant mix of compliant-preserving-right-jewish-christian-capital officials in highest offices and tangeled in piles of conflicting revolving side functions, everywhere in western countries.

Search the internet.

Balanced and superb internet movies do exist explaining the real world, like;
Zeitgeist,, The Real News,, How dare they (Dutch), but never stick to routine.

Bilderberg conference

A central one-Western-management based on free world trade capital without middle class. Politics and media fully controlled. No growth for the servants, but mega growth for the manipulating top.

Signature: compliant-right-secular-preserving-jewish-christian-capital elitists.

For a long time the majority of people would laugh about the idea of its existence.
However, Prince Bernhard himself talked about it on Dutch national Tv, just before he died. The current prime minister of the Netherlands has referred to it after his internet speech 2 Sept. 2013 in question nr. 14 from the audience. He said he was present and referred to the conference as source of his vision.

We also know he was present last year, as well as all preserving-jewish-christian-right-capital parties.
A week after the conference, the media showed all different parties making a sudden public spending cut programs, agreed within a few days without any disagreements.
Who were not invited? The left winged and nonconformists. Not very balanced is it.
And such quick fixes are normal in politics? Of course not. It’s Bilderberg-timing.
Media showed a spectacle for 2 weeks, but nothing was thrilling about it… it’s all ‘Disney Tv’.

In 2012 the Dutch elections were held in Sep. Media manipulated the outcome big time.
In 2013, German and Australia, the elections were held in Sep. Very manipulated by the concentrated media as well.

And also this year, 2013. Why did they wait with the cut program right after summer holidays close to the dead line?
The Bilderberg-meeting had to come first, so after summer holidays close to deadline there is no room anymore for changes. So short term thinking by government is sustained, Bilderberg decides.

This group from elitist does exist and is an initiative from David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard.
The original conference was held at the Hotel Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954 and is held in secret throughout the world ever since.
In 2012 it was at the Marriott hotel in Chantilly, Virginia. 2013 In the Grove Hotel in Watford (Hertfordshire), UK. Right after the meeting, big political deals appear in the media, and all parties are close to agree, except left winged parties, but they are not allowed participate. A coincidence? No.

Is it the shadow government of the world?

Prince Bernhard said it was just a think tank of world top influentials from private business, science, media, banks, churches and politics. Why was it out the media for decades? The deal was media was part but without any reporting, and internet didn’t exist for the masses not just too long ago. And as there are not so many media owners, they can easily be managed by conditions for attending.
Among global topinvestors attendees are names like Rothschild, Murdock, JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Geffen, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates… 

All above mentioned media tycoons broadcasting news were present:
Aatos Erkko (also ex-member of the Trilateral Commission and listed as CIA source), Michael Bloomberg, Paul Nitze (Time Warner, Citigroup, World Bank, IMF, ) Sir John Craven (Director of Reuters, ex-Director of Deutsche Bank, ex-chairman of Deutsche Morgan), Father and son Mohn (Bertelsmann), GE, JP Morgan, Disney, Rupert Murdock, Sumner Redstone, Bouygues (also meeted with the EU)…
And a long list of world powerful attendees continues…

The general public is fooled by a dazzling mass of media brands and piles of sub brands. Little do they actually know those belong to a concentration of holdings or joined ventures as you read earlier. They simply define the finance, strategy and programming.

And all nice and well; the ‘chain of command’ in a business is rather simple.

     Investor  →  appoints board (puppets)  →  appoints CEO (muppet)  →  working class (sheep).

     Investor  →  appoints board (puppets)  →  appoints professors (muppets)  →  select top students.

Selected top students go into politics, business, science, media… and the same wheel rotates.

It’s really that simple. So a think tank? Perhaps, but the influence can only be profound.

Have you ever experienced your contribution was very sensible and listened to but never adopted, and when you persisted you were ignored or manipulated to step down? That’s why. A feeling of participation is just a feel-good.

The male student corps are about pledging loyalty amongst each other and to conform authority. Doing so will be more likely providing a wealthy future gifted by conforming peers. So conforming is deeply rooted in high offices.
Women and male student corps have been separated for centuries, just lately men corps do admit females. But the 60+ generation is mostly at power at the very top and they are still from that male imperial morality.

These Bilderberg conferences decides the presidential campaigns receiving the highest finance. All candidates seen fit have always been invited. It is a kind of audition. They mingle, the conference votes. Then it’s simple: the highest financed, supported by media ‘mass steering’ strategies from these same investors, grooms the highest voters, so gets the job. The people had a fun show for a while and could perhaps even release quite fanatical rage, rant and anger;  if the correct party for them comes to power it’s all going to fixed right? (lol). Well, do dream on…

Do you actually believe you live in democracy, freedom, similar opportunities and equality? Wake up (!)

Prime ministers and presidents in their 40s are not the top, they are just chosen (sponsored) ‘students’ summing up what the interest group at the top wants. That’s where the terms ‘old-boys-network’ come from, and ‘it’s a men’s world’. Well, it simply is.

Prime ministers, presidents, news readers, all read from teleprompter and plexiglas autocue.

Investors decide the finance, the board the strategy, the CEO makes it executable.

Is it different in politics? In the back rooms no, on Tv for the public yes but that’s just a muppet show.

All mess is constructed deliberately?

speakoutI dearly wished different plausibilities to think otherwise. But is that being realistic?

We can put our head in the sand and ignore it.
But in the end you or your children will live in a world with little personal freedom, restricted manoeuverability and extreme low paid jobs.
All are kept poor and totally depending on an invisible private top without any middle class and providing no wealth for the low paid servants.

Do you wish a world like that for yourself or your children?

The time has come to act and stand up !!


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